Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Everybody Relax

If you watch fox “news,” you might consider these the darkest days humanity ever faced.
I hear all the time from people that “America’s never faced worse times.”
Sorry, folks, but if you think present day America represents the worst of human history, you need a history lesson.
We used to put children in factories where machines literally ripped off their limbs.
We used to die significantly sooner.
We used to gamble with our lives every time we drank a glass of water.
We used to outlaw across the board not only homosexual marriage, but interracial relationships (unless you just wanted to rape your slaves; that seemed okay).
Women couldn’t vote. Neither could a list of other taxpayers.
We didn’t possess Internet. You couldn’t fact-check whatever the politicians told you, or meet people in other countries and humanize them.
We watched TV on the programmers’ schedules.
Cellphones didn’t exist. You used to sit stuck at home because you expected a call.
When’s the last time wolves ate someone in your neighborhood? That used to prove a common occurrence.
We can predict bad weather.
We can vaccinate against disease (unless we decide as a nation to accept medical advice from a former porn star). We can discover ahead of time which illnesses we might likely develop.
We can peek into your body without a single slash.
We live in a country where we throw out the heels of our bread and use actual food to decorate our other food.
One of our greatest problems in this nation remains morbid obesity.
These doomsday preachers need to calm down. It feels ironic that these same doomsday-ers also say, “These kids don’t realize how good they have it,” and whine about how poor people can afford refrigerators.
How does this fit into the entertainment industries and the politics therein? Movies, television shows, comic books, and music often will, as art, reflect life. When we live in fear, art reflects our fears.
Sometimes entertainers make light of those fears, our kneejerk reactions.
Take The Winter Soldier, the Captain America sequel that lectured us against the quest of security at the cost of freedom. The good captain makes the distinction between fear and freedom. They exist as two forces in opposition of each other.
Ironman 3 took this even further.
Michael Crichton wrote a novel called The State of Fear, which started to make some of the same points before it nosedived into lunacy.
State of Fear offered a story in which democrats deliberately embellished the threat of manufactured climate change in order to sway voters. Then, the novel took an even wider left turn.
It turned out that terrorists did change the weather with a weather-changing device to create tornadoes and whatnot.
So. Yeah. Crichton’s novel missed its own mark by miles.
The longwinded State of Fear suggested that celebrities stand separate from climatologists and should therefore shut their mouths about climate change.
I want to agree with that, but people will flip right past a news show where a scientist wants to share some fact and figures, whereas those same viewers will stop short to hear what Danny Glover or Big Bird want to say.
Want to get your message out there? Use Opera as fancy stationery.
Americans make ridiculous purchase based on unfounded fears.
Gun safes under the sofa.
Panic rooms.
Gun racks under the bed.
Alarm systems for your house and car, neither of which do a damn thing to protect you or your valuables.
Guns hidden in fake books on your bookshelf. I really can’t wrap my head around that one. Seriously, give me one situation where a gun hidden in a fake book makes any sense.
Every politician states her or his case on fear. Vote for me, or terrorists will behead your children. Vote for me, or the ozone layer will vanish. Vote for me, or your mother-in-law will move in with you.
Commercials operate the same way. Buy this, or someone will steal your identity. Buy this, or your children will grow up stupid. Buy this, or your spouse will feel unsatisfied and cheat on you. Buy this, or your neighbors will judge you.
A life lived in fear cannot pass for a life worth living.

Calm down. Smell the flowers. If a bee stings you, you get stung.

Thanks for reading.
You probably noticed that I went about a week without a blog entry. I apologize for that. The creation of the prototype for my card game, Duelists of Darkwana (based on my novel series, Diaries of Darkwana), managed to eat up a lot of my time.
I also need to explain, on that note, where the heck the third novel for that series went. It sits done and ready to publish on Kindle.
At the moment, my wonderful cover artist deals with a few distractions. I promise that as soon as I get the completed cover art from her (if not sooner), I shall publish the third novel in my series.

I publish my blogs as follows:
Sundays: Movie reviews at moviesmartinwolt.blogspot.com
Mondays: Short stories at martinwolt.blogspot.com
Tuesdays: A look at the politics of the entertainment world at EntertainmentMicroscope.blogspot.com.
Wednesdays: An inside look at my novels (such as Daughters of Darkwana, which you can now find on Kindle) at Darkwana.blogspot.com
Thursdays: Tips to improve your fiction at FictionFormula.blogspot.com

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