Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Letter to Kim Jong Un

                Listen here, you cheese-eating motherfucker. You do not threaten the United States of America, land of the armed and completely insane. We will stomp your booger-sized ass.
                A few generations ago, Japan decided to piss us off. The result? They created a monster named Godzilla to represent us, to express America's freaking destructive tendencies, the country with whom they started a war.
                 Oh, and one day, your "citizens" will realize you're just some fat midget with a big mouth. When that day comes, they will roast you over a spit. Enjoy that.

(Thanks for reading. You might notice below that I changed the schedule for my blogs. I will, because of the number of projects on my plate, only produce a short story for this blog on Mondays. Fiction Formula will switch from Fridays to Thursdays. I apologize for any inconvenience, though I . . . doubt this will rock anyone's existence. Thanks again!)

I publish my blogs as follows:
Sundays: Movie reviews at
Mondays: Short stories at
Tuesdays: A look at the politics of the entertainment world at
Wednesdays: An inside look at my novels (such as Daughters of Darkwana, which you can now find on Kindle) at

Thursdays: Tips to improve your fiction at

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