Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lap Dances, Polyamorous Relationships, and Dirty Massages

The subject of cheating in a relationship might seem a bit off-topic for this blog, but I wish to touch on it, and it remains my blog, so I shall do whatever the hell I want with it.
I wish to discuss, first off, polyamorous relationships.
I refer to people who attend sexual/romantic relationships with multiple partners where everyone involved stands on the same page and understands and agrees to the situation.
I do not write of relationships where one or both partners sleep with other people unbeknownst to each other. I consider that cheating. More on that later.
Many couples, here in Seattle, enjoy a polyamorous relationship.
Each member of these relationships stands free to sleep with multiple partners. I discovered that, in many of these cases, such people consider each and every one of their partners her or his boy- or girlfriend.
Not every case proves the same, of course.
I, personally, fail to feel wired for such an arrangement, but I don’t frown upon it. I consider it the direction that humanity will eventually travel.
Marriage continues to grow less meaningful, in a legal sense, due to such factors as no-fault divorce. Birth control and longer life spans will also grease this track.
Polyamorous people often confuse me, though, when they self-identify as polyamorous but remain in an exclusive relationship.
A male friend of mine once said that his live-in girlfriend disapproved of the fact that he still referred to himself as polyamorous.
Really? She doesn’t like that? Gee.
This friend of mine swore he would never cheat on his girlfriend. I believe him.
However, when I questioned why he still identified as polyamorous, he reported that he was polyamorous, just as he might report himself a Caucasian.
Many Seattleites classify “polyamorous” as a sexuality rather than an availability. My aforementioned friend would never sleep with someone other than his girlfriend, but he remains attracted to other woman.
To which I say, “Join the club.”
A lot of debate stands between my friends and myself when it comes to the subject of cheating. We argue (with ourselves as much as with each other) on the qualifications of cheating.
Obviously, if you sleep with someone other than your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever, and that person or people know nothing about it, you cheated.
What of a massage, though? A lap dance?
Do I, if I remain in an exclusive relationship, perform a disservice should I receive a massage from another woman?
Depends on the massage. If the massage turns “dirty” (happy ending), then, yeah, I ought to politely tell the masseuse to stop, perhaps even end the massage altogether.
Some people argue that if they go in for a professional massage, no one can hold it against them if things get “carried away.” I call bullshit on this self-service of a philosophy.
Options exist to avoid this outcome. You could always ask your significant other to join you for a couple's massage. You could casually mention your significant other to the masseuse before the start of your massage.
Hell, you could ask your significant other for a massage and enjoy whichever direction the activity takes you two.
I think one of the best ideas for an anniversary present remains tuitions at a massage school. The two of you (or eight, whatever your situation) can learn the art, get your certificates, and use your new knowledge only on each other.
You can also attend a massage clinic such as Massage Envy, which remains so professional that you actually feel a bit rejected when you leave. Your significant other will never question a massage performed at Massage Envy.
What of a lap dance?
If your significant other sits beside you and says, “Go for it,” I can’t see the harm. If you went to a strip club without him or her . . . yeah, that qualifies as, at a minimum, yellow-belt cheating.
Put it this way, guys: if your girlfriend stripped naked, sat in some other guy’s lap, and grinded him, would you feel okay about it?
Every relationship proves different. Not every couple (or group) will consider the same activities as acts of disloyalty.

Communication proves key, and if you hesitate to even ask permission to perform a certain act . . . that probably serves as your answer.

Thanks for reading.
Daughters of Darkwana received a sweet, succinct review, which you can read here,
         Also, the third book in my series, Diaries of Darkwana, will hit Kindle just as soon as I find a new cover artist. I have a few candidates already, thank goodness.

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